The DCJS Patrol Rifle 10E course is a 16-hour class that combines classroom work and live fire exercises on the range. Students will be required to successfully shoot the DCJS Patrol Rifle course of fire.

Course Topics
- Rifle handling techniques
- Fundamentals of rifle marksmanship
- Rifle malfunctions
- Range safety
- Civil and Criminal liability
- Use of Force
- Zeroing
- Shoot/Don’t shoot scenarios
Student Requirements
Students must be 18 years of age
Must be U.S. Residents or legal alien of the U.S.
Prior to taking this course, students must have successfully completed the DCJS Security Officer Handgun 75E course.
NOTICE: There is a $50 non-refundable deposit required for any course registration. If for any reason Knights Armor must cancel a course, the deposit is refundable.