TASERS are an Electronic Control Device (ECD) that deliver a "shock" to a subject when they are deployed. Proper use and deployment of the TASER are key to Security Officers.

Course Topics
- Proper Deployment
- Determining When and When Not to Deploy
- Providing Medical Attention
- How to Aim Device
- Proper Carry of your Stun Gun/ECD Device
Student Requirements
Must be at least 18 years of age and a U.S. Citizen or a legal resident alien of the U.S.
Students must have a current and valid DCJS registration to take this course.
Course cost also includes an approved stun gun for use. NOTE: Tasers are available for purchase for $325
NOTICE: There is a $50 non-refundable deposit required for any course registration. If for any reason Knights Armor must cancel a course, the deposit is refundable.